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The Kastral Way - Fun

The Kastral Way - Fun

Finding the life that is most true to you, is a valuable gift. It is a journey, and it requires several major components in order to know which direction to go. If you do not know what you like, where you want to go, or who you want to be, then how are you to know if you are going towards the life that you envision?

Starting out, you will want to reflect on your life. Everyone wants a life that you are excited to live. The kind where you jump out of bed in the morning with a smile on your face. This means you need to think of memories that brought you joy and happiness. Even the slightest bit of light that you remember can help you find a path towards your overall happiness in life.

Remembering these things can help you see what brings you happiness. It could be an activity, a feeling, a person, or even a place. Highlight that in your mind and dive deeper into thinking “How can I make this happiness radiate into other parts of my life?”

Highlighted moments can be like knowing that your favorite memories are with your mother, when you would go hunting, fishing or hiking together. This could mean that you are at your happiest when you are with your mother, or when you are outside with nature. By finding those two roots, you can start to invent a life where those two roots become guidelines.

It is possible, to find many roots that may or may not seem to make a lot of sense when they are put together. That is ok. It is your life, and you have the right to make it exactly the way that makes you happy.

On the other hand, you should be careful to choose the highlighted moments that you want to use in your life. Just because a memory of happiness comes into your head, does not mean that it should be a major part in creating the life you want. You may have fun being drunk with your friends, but that does not mean that you should consistently be drunk because it was fun.

You should find moments in your life that lead you in a life that is sustainable, safe, and non-threatening to other peoples safety and wellbeing. It is also important to know what is an actual core-memory of happiness, rather than just a moment of fun.

This is why the question “What makes your life fun?” is not necessarily what you want to look for when creating the best life for you. Going hiking is fun, but that does not mean that everyday you should be hiking. Unfortunately it is a little bit more complicated than that.

You may have a value to read everyday because that is your version of fun. However, that does not mean your fun is being taken away when you do not have the time to read that day. Not only should you be able to have many parts of your day that makes you happy and have a good time. You do not need to feel that every other part of your life is an unhappy moment, because it is not specifically linked to your foundation.

It is not about making sure that you have fun everyday, but that you find the fun in as many tasks as you can. Even if they are on the more dull and strenuous side. That does not automatically mean this part of your life is a black hole of pain and suffering.

For example, bailing hay is no one's idea of fun. It is difficult, usually in hot conditions, and it requires a huge level of strength. However, you can make it more fun by bailing with people who make you happy, having good music on, breaking it up into parts, or making it a competition.

Having fun in every part of your life is about having balance between two extremes. You need to have times where you are sitting on the edge of your seat, excited about what you are doing, while also being content in the mundane, but necessary tasks.

While this sounds like a trick, I promise, this little trick will change your life. Simply, find a little happiness or fun in any situation. It radiates to other parts in your life and is contagious to others. Doing this while also working to implement the big, highlighted roots into your everyday life, is the best way to find the life you were meant to live.

Remember, this is about you living the life that you deserve, not what others think you deserve. As you change your life to become more fulfilling, there are going to be people that disagree with you. That is, of course, a part of life. But that does not mean that you should take their advice to heart. Especially from someone that you would not go to, for advice. They have a different path than you and they also have a particular view on what your life is like. It does not make them see you as you truly are. So why listen to them? They do not have control of your life, or know what you want. Their argument is invalid.

The people you should listen to, are the ones closest to you, who you trust to have your best interest at heart. No, you should not take their word for it, and change your life because they said you should. But you should take it into consideration. If you feel that they are wrong, stay the course. If you see that they are right, thank them for their consideration and find the solution.

We spend too much of our lives pleasing one another and living the life we want to advertise to each other. Rather, than living the life we actually want and deserve. Your life should be fun, and full of moments that you are excited to experience. Big and small. Make sure you are living a life that you enjoy, not the one other people are wanting you to live, or what seems happy to someone else.

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