Self Discovery

Self Discovery of yourself

Self Discovery of yourself

Who are you? What do you want? What do you love? Hate? Fear? Most can answer these questions with ease, but it takes a genuinely self aware person to be confident in what they’re revealing. Someone who has thought endlessly about who they are, what they want, what scares them the most. For example, someone who doesn’t often deliberate their life might say, “I’m scared of cockroaches.” Seems trivial compared to someone who periodically assess their life. They may say how losing their family would be the scariest thing they can imagine.

Being a deep thinker allows you to unlock versions of yourself, over and over, continuing to evolve your mind by expanding your horizons. Taking interest in things that others think are strange, visiting places that may not be on everyone’s bucket list, starting a business that no one thinks will take off. It takes a lot of soul searching and self examination to be able to see the bigger picture that is your life. Being unafraid to embrace your passions, no matter how big or small they may seem, whether they make you money or just make you happy. It’s the little things, like writing, reading, coloring, guitar.

Now you may be asking yourself who the hell are we? Kastral is a brand that we want to represent and encourage uniqueness, being different, thinking outside the box. Our goal is to empower our customers, and collaborate with creators, to build a community where can all grow exponentially. Together we can do anything!

What we call our ‘Creative Cave’ has brought us endless inspiration that we want to share with you. The inspiration to build, to be better, to help others, and to help this planet that allows us to thrive. While you’re contemplating how to become the best, most authentic version of yourself, we’re constantly thinking of new ways to help you express who you are. Kastral believes expressing yourself and being unique are what keeps this interesting world spinning. There are endless opportunities to meet like-minded people and build partnerships.

“In order to love others, you must first love yourself.”

We hear this all the time, but it doesn’t carry much weight since we don’t really believe it to be true. I would still love my kids if I didn’t love myself. I’d still love my parents, my friends, my pets. But what this means isn’t that you’re incapable of loving others until you love yourself, it means you aren’t loving with your whole heart until you’re truly happy with who you are. Little pieces of you get swept under the rug every time you deny yourself of the things you crave, the things that make your heart beat faster, the things that make your soul rest easier, the things you truly live for. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a time and place. You can’t just leave work to go fishing because that’s what you’d rather be doing, but if you’re not going fishing on your free time because of someone else’s expectations of you, you’re robbing yourself.

Learn to be a firm believer in me time, solitude, introversion. It teaches us more about ourselves than any personality quiz could ever tell. Self analysis and self observation will keep you on track, keep you working hard towards your goals, even when it feels like nothing is working in your favor, because when you truly see your full potential, not even a bad day or a bad week can keep you from moving forward.

The momentum you gain when you hit the ground running towards something you love, there’s nothing like it. And sometimes we lose traction, the momentum slows down, we go off the rails, maybe we go on vacation and when we come back our head just isn’t in the game. These are the most important times to reset and reflect, because just like you were snowballing towards success, you can easily let yourself snowball in the opposite direction. 

The ability to lose yourself in deep thought can be enlightening. It’s interesting where our mind wanders when we don’t consciously tell it what to think. Some people prefer meditation, which isn’t for everyone, it can be difficult to figure out how to really meditate. Many people think it’s just sitting quietly with your legs crossed chanting some weird saying over and over, but it actually takes a lot of concentration to empty your mind.

You may contemplate what to do next, next career move, next city, next vacation, next hobby. Unfortunately, a lot of times those things end up being what the people around you want to do, or want you to do. This is when it’s most important to look inward, ignore the fuss of what they say, what they’ll think, how they’ll react. This is your life, not theirs, and you need to live it accordingly.

If you go to the school your parents dreamed of, sure they’ll be happy, but will you? If you take the job your wife set you up with instead of starting your own business because she thought it was a more stable option, will you resent her or yourself later for losing sight of your dreams?

Looking inward can be difficult sometimes, it can be rewarding and insightful, but it can also be painful, saddening, discouraging. These are normal feelings when re-evaluating your life, the important part is overcoming those feelings, seeing past them, and realizing you have the ability to change it!

Choose yourself, every single day. Self love is the hub for a fulfilling life. Think about what’s brought you the most joy throughout your life. Think of old hobbies you had as a kid, things you started enjoying in your older age that you just ‘don’t have time for,’ the daydreams you have while you’re at work, the goals you’ve set but didn’t plan out how to accomplish them. Reflect on your life, and think ahead. No sense in brooding over the things you can’t change, get up and change the things you can!

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